St. Michael's Catholic Preparatory School Athletics

Staff Directory

staff photo of Jeff McGee
Jeff McGee

Athletic Director, Upper and Middle School

staff photo of Cooper Land
Cooper Land

Assistant Athletic Director and Head Boys Basketball Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Rory Tyson
Rory Tyson

Assistant Athletic Director and Head Volleyball Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Jay Tiangco
Jay Tiangco

Assistant Athletic Director and Volleyball Program Coordinator, Middle School

staff photo of Tesha Kraszkiewicz
Tesha Kraszkiewicz

Head Athletic Trainer, Upper School

staff photo of Courtney Edwards
Courtney Edwards

Athletic Coordinator, Upper School

staff photo of Gary Anderson
Gary Anderson

Tackle Football and Basketball Program Coordinator, Middle School

staff photo of Luis Chavez
Luis Chavez

Baseball Program Coordinator, Middle School

staff photo of Kevin Clark
Kevin Clark

Head Tennis Coach, Upper and Middle School

staff photo of Sydney Cliffiord
Sydney Cliffiord

Head Cheer Coach, Middle School

staff photo of Caitlin Fegley
Caitlin Fegley

Head Girls Lacrosse Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Dean Fitzner
Dean Fitzner

Head Baseball Coach, Upper School

staff photo of JR Garcia
JR Garcia

Flag Football and Soccer Program Coordinator, Middle School

staff photo of Laura Gomez
Laura Gomez

Head Cheer Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Monica Hruschka
Monica Hruschka

Head Cross Country Coach, Track and Field Coach, Middle School

staff photo of Kelly Jenks
Kelly Jenks

Girls Lacrosse Program Coordinator, Middle School

staff photo of John Kemper
John Kemper

Head Golf Coach, Middle School

staff photo of Tim Keyes
Tim Keyes

Head Girls Soccer Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Amy Linkous
Amy Linkous

Head Swim Coach

staff photo of Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller

Head Boys Soccer Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Tyler Moore
Tyler Moore

Head Boys Lacrosse Coach, Upper School, and Program Coordinator, Middle School

staff photo of Abigail Payne
Abigail Payne

Head Dance Coach and Spirit Coordinator, Upper School

staff photo of Phil Rombach
Phil Rombach

Head Football Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Derwyn Scales
Derwyn Scales

Head Track and Field Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Sonya Schement
Sonya Schement

Head Cross Country Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Nathan Shilling
Nathan Shilling

Head Golf Coach, Upper School

staff photo of Mackey Smith
Mackey Smith

Head Girls Basketball Coach, Upper School